A Portuguese Horror shortStory

«I told them it was a stupid idea to stay...


Picture this, four youngsters standing there, mesmerized by the sheer sight of that huge manson that blopped out of nowhere...

and I did told them not to go inside, but
                                                             nobody listened to me.
They never listen to me!

Chicken! Poltroon! They called me...

But I knew it. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!

I knew it was going to happen, and then one by one they started to vanish into thin air. One by one. I never understood it it always as to be one by one? Why in this haunted houses stories everybody procrastinate what I knew, what everybody knows that always happens and you I'll find out that happened this time also. Even so... One by one they started to disappear.

And the screams?


Only God knows the chills we felt whenever another cry echoed over the decrepit wallpapered walls.

But still, when I told them not go inside, they didn't listen. I mean no good could come from houses that appear on a abandoned lot in a cold full-mooned Friday 13th at midnight, right? Nooo... they had to go inside and take a peek inside!

First Carla disappeared into a closet. I said: "Are you happy now? Can we go now?", but then again she had the car keys we had to look for her, so I shushed and kept on.

Sadly I was right from the start when I said that this could happen... we found Carla lying on a bathtub on the upper suite bathroom holding her head in her between her pretty hands with the keys jammed into her left eye!

 If they were not alarmed by me before going inside you might think that this should have made them fell to their senses and scram as fast as they could from there. Nope they wanted to unravel the mystery of the bloody house! Can you believe that?

I started another rant as we went throughout the upper floor on why we shouldn't be there and why we should get into the car right about then, when Gonçalo who was just about to open the door of the library turned around laughing. not a normal laugh, you know? Kind of a giggle, like the ones that controls your mind and you can't stop... in another words an hysterical giggle.

But I couldn't blame him, he was staring at the place where his hands were supposed to be, with that crazed expression you would also have as soon as you realize that the cold chill you've felt on your wrists when you tried to turn the door, was the cold "swoosh" of a falling blade. I was going to say "I told you so" but he vanished through the trap door that opened beneath his feet, and it was the last we saw of him, as he kept hearing that giggle until the squishy noise of someone hitting the floor after a five storeys fall.When I thought that the idea was pretty clear on what was going to happen to us if we stayed there Beatriz had the funniest epiphany ever, "we should get out ofthe house!"

We were running to the door an d I was about to comment on how I told them not to go inside in the first place when you grabbed me...

I didn't saw what happened to Beatriz, I mean, I caught a glimpse of the two spikes thrusting upp from the floor impaling her but I don't know if that killed her. But if yu ask me that you but as old as having me here strapped to this Spanish-inquisition-like chair don't ou think? I say I deff..............»

His words where silenced by the falling of an axe that severed his head in two just above the jaw line. You know, even ghost have limited patience!

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